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TRIAD Therapies

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My Treatments

Consciousness Integrated Bodywork

The road towards healing is rarely set in stone. I understand that every individual has their own path to take. As a Holistic Therapist, I am here to support you and provide you potential tools on your unique journey. My work is focused on trying to integrate mind, body, and spirit through a grounded and compassionate approach so that my clients can find balance. Healing is a collaborative journey, and I am humbled to be on your team!

Image by Braden Jarvis

Hawaiian Lomi Massage

Spiritual and Physical Restoration

Lomi Lomi massage was developed by Hawaiian healers over centuries. Firmly rooted in Hawaiian traditions and philosophies, with a focus on compassion and connection to the earth, this massage goes deep into the body and spirit to release emotions and reconnect you with your best self. One can imagine Lomi as a deep tissue massage without the painful digging. Instead, its long, wave-like, broad strokes encourage the body to find balance.

Lomi is unique from other styles of bodywork in that it is focuses on treating the entire person as a beautifully complex and integrated being. Most other massage styles tend to have this laser tight precision, where the therapist picks out one singular muscle and works it back into temporary cooperation with the rest of the body. Often, this laser precision can overwork an already tired part of your body, leaving it tender and sore. In a Lomi session, all of these boundaries fade. Work takes place on the entire body at once, with some strokes going from your lower legs, all the way up to your neck in one fluid motion! This creates a truly unified experience as the therapist is no longer isolating different parts of the body but working synergistically with them. 

Lomi is traditionally a full body massage, with minimal draping, as its intent is to treat the entire person. This leaves that body wonderfully connected, integrated and alive! Please note that Lomi is my specialty and I prefer to work close to the traditional manner to give my clients the full benefit. If you are uncomfortable with having your entire body worked (including stomach), or are uncomfortable with minimal draping, please let me know. I will be happy to find a way to accommodate you!

 $80-60 minutes / $120-90 minutes

Image by Simon Migaj

Intuitive Coaching

Spiritual Navigation

Our thoughts and actions become our reality. This is the Law of Attraction! Nearly everyone is held back by limiting belief systems that were formed to get us through traumatic experiences. This defunct programming makes success seem impossible and can leave us frustrated and broken after trying and failing so many times. Fundamentally, many of us don’t feel like we are worthy of the blessings the Universe has in store for us.
So how do we change our thoughts and behaviours in order to ignite our highest, most authentic self? These sessions are tailored to do exactly that by building adaptive habits in a methodical manner. The ideal method is to identify limiting belief systems and places where trauma is stored in the body via Somatic Emotional Bodywork, and then formulate a plan to help you replace those beliefs. Self Love Is A Habit! It can be learned, and it can become natural and effortless with consistency. Habits are tailored to the life you want to live, and structured using recent research and studies.
Built in Accountability Partner!
These sessions can be broken up into 30 minute check ins, or one hour intensives.
If you are ready to Awaken your Inner Rockstar, this is how we do it! 
Discounted pricing available for Somatic Emotional Bodywork/Intuitive Coaching Bundle!
$80-60 minutes

Image by Kyle Cottrell

Somatic Emotional Bodywork

Transformational Empowerment

Trauma occurs whenever an individual goes through a life event and is unable to safely process the emotional content to completion. In these instances, the body stores the emotional content for a later date, in the hopes that we will get to a safer place to process and release the experience. Anywhere we are holding emotions rather than compassionately experiencing them, pain manifests. The body uses pain to signal that we need to bring awareness somewhere, but our minds can be so buzzy that we stop hearing our bodies cry for help. Pain is always a catalyst for transformation, and as such, it is a gift. In these sessions, I work on identifying places where you may be storing emotional energy, and then together, we can work on reprocessing it through a compassionate lens. I pull from a wide variety of bodywork modalities to achieve this. Every session is diligently crafted to meet your body where it needs healing today. Some days, this might mean very light touch focusing on soft tissue. Other days, it might mean deep tissue to find and release those old buried wounds. I always work to your comfort level, so don’t be afraid to speak up if you know your body needs something different. 

$85-60 minutes / $125-90 minutes


Mobile Chair Massage

Compassion For Everyone

Chair massage is perfect for those new to massage, or incorporated into fast paced environments where many people can benefit from a small break. No clothing is removed, sessions are 15 or 20 minutes per person, and we come to you! Wonderful way of showing your employees or guests that you care about their health and wellbeing. Numerous benefits from stress reduction, to increased workplace productivity and morale. Three hour minimum. Multiple Therapists available with advanced notice!
Email for full pricing breakdown!

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Misty Woodland

“My meditation is simple. It does not require any complex practices. It is simple. It is singing. It is dancing. It is sitting silently”


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Apple Valley CA

760 885 3642

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